Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951

Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951
Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951

Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951

Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regiment - Westinghouse Capac Micarta M1951/52 Named to Richard Champion who was most likely to have been Corporal Richard Dean "Dick" Champion b. 12 Sep 1929 - 29 Nov 2018 Served as a High Speed Radio Operator at Ft. Condition as Photographed with some expected / heavier wear as seen - An Exceptional Cold War 76th Infantry Division M1 Helmet Liner. Recent Estate Acquisition & Presented as Acquired, Scarce as Such (Photos 16 & 17 Digital Reference Only).

Check back often - we search estates and sources across the world to bring a fine selection of militaria. Please review all photos for details regarding the condition of the item listed - further condition information will be included in the listing as is relevant, if you need additional photographs or have questions regarding the condition please do not hesitate to ask. I describe all items to the best of my ability - please do not hesitate to ask any and all questions prior to the close of the listing. Mistakes very rarely occur - however if one does please rest assured that it will be corrected.

Korean War M1 Helmet Liner 76th Infantry Division 417th Regt. Westinghouse M1951

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